Meet Father Nature™
Everybody’s heard of Mother Nature. But what about Father Nature?
He’s the lucky guy who just happens to be married to the most significant significant other on Earth!
While Mother Nature is off tending to weather patterns, you can find Father Nature at home tending to their daughter, their lemur, their deer, their pig, and Paul. He’s an ostrich. Of course, Father Nature also makes a pretty darn good pancake breakfast with Smucker’s® Natural Fruit Spread –– with real fruit as the first ingredient, it’s the perfect fruit spread for the most natural dad around. He can’t imagine having any other jar in the fridge, and neither can the pet snow seal who happily resides there.
And now, make yourself familiar with TV's most naturally talented cast.
Age: 39
Occupation: Full-Time TV Dad
Favorite Snack: Greek yogurt + Smucker’s Natural Strawberry Fruit Spread
Hobbies: Walking the pig, flying the owl, raising Daughter Nature, and joking way too often about how his wife “makes it rain.”
Celebrity Crush: His wife. He swears.
Age: 6
Occupation: Daughter/1st grader
Favorite Snack: Crackers with Smucker’s Natural Red Raspberry Fruit Spread
Hobbies: Drawing pictures, playing (carefully) with Steve the Elephant, and watching her mom every morning on the weather channel.
Favorite Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Age: 13,800,000,000
Occupation: COO of All Things Naturally Occurring
Favorite Snack: Tie between Smucker’s Natural Blackberry Fruit Spread and sunlight
Hobbies: Creating solar systems, confusing weathermen, and working hard for her family and the planet.
Celebrity Crush: Father Time